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SEO positioning is one of the keys to guarantee the visibility and recognition of a brand.
For this there are a number of strategies and techniques that help position a website in the top positions of the search engines.
In this article we are going to talk about the Link Building, a trend that in recent years has become very popular.
We will review what this technique consists of, how to carry it out correctly and the mistakes we have to avoid.
You are ready? Let's go there!

What is the Link Building?

Before we start to see how to carry out a Link Building strategy and examples of it, it is important to make a small reminder introduction of exactly what the Link Building is, to understand perfectly how to carry out a good strategy and not die of success.
The Link Building is a SEO positioning strategy  that has become very popular for marketing professionals.
This technique is used to increase the authority of a website in an "artificial" way , and in this way, improve the positioning of a website.
Its purpose?
Introduce unnatural links between pages of different domains.
For example, take a post from a third party, and in the comments blatantly add a URL to our website or blog.
Until the  SEO boom , these links were included naturally to refer to content that could provide added value, and therefore, the search engines detected that those pages should be "awarded" for the quality of their work.
This was the trigger for marketers to realize the potential of this technique and began to put links artificially, or even begin to pay for it.
But obviously, Google has noticed the excessive use of these techniques and is not very happy, hence Google Penguin arises.
For this, I want to make a recommendation, put only two links a week, and that these always, always, provide added value to the user and are of extreme quality. Send links in a progressive and proportionate way.
Having said all this, let's continue to see how to make a successful Link Building strategy.

Strategies and examples of Link Building

There are different strategies to carry out techniques of Link Building but for this, it is essential to do it in pages that have a lot of authority.
How do we do it?
There are tools like Ahrefs  or Semrush  that allow us to verify the authority of the page and domain of a website , to know if it is of quality, and if putting a link in them will provide some kind of value.
Let's see how to look at it for example with Ahrefs .
The first thing we have to do is put the domain  we want to analyze in the Ahrefssite as we see below.
Image 1 insert the link
Insert a link in ahrefs
Then you will see all the information about that domain , that is, the authority you have, the links you have, the reference domains, the geographical area where it has the most impact, and all the information that interests us about that site. web, as we see in the following image.
Metrics of the domain analyzed in ahrefs
Metrics of the domain analyzed in ahrefs
Once analyzed the site, we have different options to carry out a link Building strategy.

Guest Blogging

A good option to have quality links on a website and without the need to spam or very artificial techniques, is to make a guest blogging collaboration  with the blog that we are interested in having a link.
This strategy consists in that we write a post for a blog of a third party inserting a link that directs directly to our website, and that they write a post for our blog in exchange .
This would be a perfect exchange of links and in a totally natural way.
Imagine that we have a post about blockchain that we want to position; "How to invest in bitcoins, guide for dummies".
For this, it will be interesting that we look for blogs related to this topic, such as Bitcoin Territory.
Example of a website related to the bitcoin theme
Example of a website related to the bitcoin theme
Ideally, we would contact them, in order to reach an agreement and have our link on your blog.
An example can be with the following mail.
Example of an approach mail to get a guest post
Example of an approach mail to get a guest post

Ask them to add a link

Sometimes, we can find very interesting and high quality post while surfing the web and talk about trends or issues related to ours.
This is why it is a good idea, instead of writing a new post, such as doing Guest Blogging, try to contact the blog or company, to ask them to put a link in that post .
Here you can see an example of mail for this kind of occasions.
Example of an email requesting a link
Example of an email requesting a link

Make a comment with link

Another technique to leave a link in a post that interests us from a third party is through the use of comments .
We find two types.
On the one hand, we have those sections of comments that allow us to put a URL before publishing, in this way, clicking on the name of the person who has published the comment, will take us directly to the website of this. You can see an example in the following image.
On the other hand, we find the comments that have the URL entered directly in the middle of the comment.
Example of a comment with URL
Example of a comment with URL
However, we must bear in mind that in many blogs, the comment is not published instantly, this means that perhaps the person in charge of approving and publishing them, will delete the URL or the link that we have entered, and therefore, will not be useful. you are welcome.

Links in Social Networks

Undoubtedly, social networks have become the showcase for companies, since they allow them to improve their visibility, interaction with users and customer loyalty and retention.
Therefore, putting links in these with our own content , is a good way to gain engagement , but not only for users / potential customers, but also, compared to other companies.
Here is an example.
Create links using Social Networks
Create links using Social Networks

Buy links (links)

Another option we find is the purchase of links , however, we must be clear that this practice is penalized by Google .
The massive purchase of links in portals dedicated to this, can make the alarms to Google as an unlawful practice, and therefore, lead to a penalty.
It is important that we do not think about the Link Building strategy as a method to increase the authority of our website, but as a technique to attract quality traffic.
We have already seen a few of the most common practices to make a Link Building strategy, then we will analyze the mistakes we must avoid in order not to die of success.

Errors we should avoid in a Link Building strategy

When carrying out a Link Building strategy, many times we tend to commit a series of errors that, more than a benefit, can be a disadvantage for the SEO positioning of our website.
Let's list some.

Much quantity = less quality

In the first years of life of blogs, how many more links were had or received a web page, better positioned was this.
Currently and with the growth experienced by this type of websites, this technique no longer works.
But otherwise, now, for many links we have if they are of poor quality will end up damaging the popularity of the web .
Therefore, look for quantity before quality can suppose that if we bet on the same anchor, this ends up becoming a Link-Bomb  that can hurt us a lot if Penguin catches us.

Use of obsolete or wrong media

The directories of links, of publication of articles, bookmarkings or any other means of automatic publication, that is to say, that does not contain its own contents, have ceased to serve or have become obsolete.
For this reason, it is important that if our website has been in operation for years, before continuing with our Link Building strategy to get more links, let's stop and take a look at the ones we already have.
In this way, we can detect those broken links or that no longer provide any value, and therefore are harming us.
The ideal will be to eliminate them immediately .

Viralize infographics without text

Although we have not mentioned them in the previous point, infographics are also an excellent resource for web links and social mentions .
Although for this, it is important that they are accompanied by a related and independent text by each means, since otherwise we will receive a massive amount of links without related context. Something very negative.

Link Building is not equal to links from another web

Currently, the Link Building is no longer focused solely on obtaining web links, but it has been a great advance for SEO, since it allows to increase organic SEO .
Mentions and visibility are fundamental for the growth and good positioning of brands.

Do not consider branding

The SEO and the Link Building have to be oriented to the generation of branding .
Therefore, it is necessary to develop positive content about the brand and integrate the brand into the anchor-text of the links.

The format of the links and the naturalness of the anchors do matter

Currently, for SEO positioning, it is not advisable to place at the foot of the page the links with the desired anchor-text as was done years ago.
Now, what works are the links located within the content, with related text, SMO resources that facilitate the viralization of content in networks. Do not massively incorporate the target keywords to avoid Link-Bomb, etc. Naturalness is what prevails.
If we avoid these errors, surely our Link Building strategy will work perfectly.
Do you have more recommendations to carry out the Link Building?
We want to know all of them!


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