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The marketing strategies of 2019 that will make you shine

Now that 2018 is coming to an end, it is important to know what the  2019 marketing strategies will be  so that, at all times, we can keep up to date with what is going to take place and be able to go ahead of the competition.

Recommended tactics in marketing strategies 2019

Being up to date on the new digital marketing trends in 2019 does not only mean ordering all the ideas and updating what is necessary. It is necessary to listen, observe and make the necessary modifications on the forecast that we have initially made with respect to where our sector will go.
To this day there are some clear trends that we should consider in our analysis of the update for next year.

Fast Content

In the great competition that exists to get each click, the brief but quality content is acquiring great strength .
With an attractive content and at the same time easy to read we have a greater chance of getting the attention of the users. This is because it favors both the presence of the brand and the CTR.


It is the phenomenon that is having the most impact in recent months, thanks to the great explosion they have had on social networks like Instagram .
Its main advantage is that, little by little, Google is integrating them into the search results, which will make it increasingly visible to users if we use them.

Audiovisual contents

After Google, YouTube is the second most used search engine in the world, clearly indicating the enormous potential of videos and how much they attract users.

Mobile First

Although this is not a concept that is novel, it is a trend that continues to grow day after day. It is mainly due to the fact that more than 90% of the users perform the navigation through their smartphones .
These figures show the importance of having web pages perfectly adapted to this format.

Programmatic advertising

It is an advertising that has arisen thanks to new technologies. It is based on the demand of advertisers, who want audiences, not advertising spaces.
An estimate made indicates that, in 2019, around 80% of the advertising videos that are created will be of this type.
We can contract these advertising services through auctions that are carried out in real time and that guarantee, thanks to the Big Data technology, that a specific target will  be reached .

Marketing automation

This type of marketing uses software that automates each and every marketing action. It is one of the best ways to save costs and, in addition, facilitates decision making.
Although automation is appreciated, it is important to maintain human contact with our customers, because they always appreciate the personalized approach, which makes them feel that they are important for the brand and not mere indicators or numbers.

Influence marketing

Every time there are more users of the network that have installed in their browsers any plugin able to block the ads while they are consulting any web page.
In contrast, there are more and more users who trust the opinion of certain people when it comes to wanting to purchase a product or service, which means that having influencers remains a great investment to attract customers.

Social Shopping

It is something that little by little is gaining strength among users of social networks . The emergence of the possibility of buying products online  through them is gaining popularity among the regular consumers of the network.
But we are at the beginning, more and more options will be offered in the integration between ecommerce  and social networks .

Augmented and virtual reality in ecommerce

It is true that AR technology is still not very present in our day to day, but it is also that, little by little, it is beginning to be implemented in electronic commerce, thus offering more and more interesting options.
One of its great advantages for the client is the possibility of seeing for himself how the product he is about to acquire will be, and even  interacting with it .

Visual searches

Are those searches that are made from images and not text. This implies that they are much more contextual and precise searches.
Little by little the ads will be optimized so that they become much more visual, while paying more attention to what SEO is demanding in this type of marketing.


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